
Omelette Mcmuffin

Original price was: $350.00.Current price is: $300.00.

The best way to start the day! Nestled between a toasted English muffin is a perfectly cooked omelet loaded with capsicum, onions, tomato, and enhanced with a slice of melted cheese.

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Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Suspendisse consectetur, ante non rhoncus dapibus, mi sapien sollicitudin est, sodales vestibulum massa tellus sit amet risus. Phasellus neque dolor, iaculis eget sapien in, varius fringilla enim. Morbi fringilla velit finibus turpis porta iaculis. Aenean mattis nec libero at molestie. Duis sit amet purus condimentum, egestas neque ut, congue magna. Nulla ac justo lacinia, posuere purus vitae, imperdiet ex. Proin pharetra neque nec eros maximus sagittis. Sed mi risus, fringilla non eros ac, rhoncus finibus quam. Morbi lacus nunc, molestie quis eros id, fringilla luctus ex.


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